Toowoomba's Biggest Book Club

Curious about book clubs? This is the perfect way to sample one!

Join your host, Thomas Alan, for a conversation about the first book 'Flowers for Algenon' by Daniel Keyes.

  • You may have already been involved with a book club...
  • You may simply be curious about what the conversation at a book club is really like...
  • You may even be looking for a group of like-minded people to form your own book club...

Regardless of your motive, if the idea of reading a book and then discussing it with other people appeals to you, then this event is for you. 

What to expect | What is expected
  • READ the book before Sunday 30th March 3pm!
  • Initial conversation groups will be organised by the host
  • There will be a roving photographer, and you may be asked for feedback
  • Please bring a gold coin (or a lovely fluttery note) to support The Lighthouse

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Do you or anyone in your group need any assistance? If so, please let us know how we can help...


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